Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Pen & Ink Landscapes May & June

Eucalyptus Grove

Summer is here and now that the garden is settled in, I can turn toward other creative endeavors.

 I have been working with pen and ink on smooth cotton paper. These, post cards I am calling them, are an intensely focused drawing session, without the security of a preliminary pencil drawing, which could be erased after the ink has dried. These pen and ink works are right off the cuff -- a joyous adventure that is an expression of the time of day, the shapes and shadows, the textures and lights, sway of the trees, shapes of clouds, whatever is highlighted that day. They are a sweet focus of time and space.

This is also how I like to begin to study a landscape. To find the most interesting subjects for a painting or print later on, for me, is to respond immediately to the thing I find most interesting -- without overthinking. These focused sketches do that. I find that these intuitive responses are the best. Then, to keep it fresh, I like to add different formats to the exploration, a square,a tall door shape, a classic golden mean, etc. After this little visual orgy of sketching, I can more calmly add more formal ideas to a painting or in the planning of a print.

Wishing you all a fine beginning of summer and thank you for following along.

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